Friday, October 5, 2012

Hay fever!

After much debate we finally settled on an owl pumpkin. I used tiny frisbees we caught at the homecoming parade for the eyes and cardboard for the wings and ears.
My girls were begging for hay. But after the ten minute drive home I was sneezing like crazy!
This time of year brings out the Claritin in me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Building words!

To practice spelling we build our words out of these magnetic letters. They love handling the letters and searching for the correct one. As they sound it out.

Bridal shower chic!

With girls in tow they get to enjoy all sorts of cheery fun!! We got to stop by a bridal shower and they played a game where ladies break up into groups and try to design a dress out of toilet paper. The girls got to be the models for the wedding dresses!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Doing seat work with out being distracted can be a challenge for my little students.
So these foam boards really help! I slit the back of the board in the middle so now it can fold. We taped some folders and envelopes on the board so could slip in some flash cards and seat work pages. So here we have our very own cubicle!
The girls enjoy them and like to peek around them too!